Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hemophiliac Rounds.

I've seen bifurcated tongues, sub-fascial implants, and flesh separated from flesh with a cauterizing scalpel.

I've seen hearts broken with a single phone call.

I've seen cranial hemhorraging in the middle of Main Street.

I've seen a pine-branch jutting out of a 5-year old girl's eye-socket on the kitchen counter of my childhood home.

I've seen a woman bite her tongue off and swallow a gallon of her own blood in the lobby of a salon.

I've seen carpet bombing in Dresden and broken homes in Minnesota.

I've seen politicians smiling on the deck of a battleship, waving flags and cheering.

I've seen trepanation in grainy photographs and the Disney Channel on a color tv in my living room.

I've seen Jeffery Dahmer's apartment...from the outside.

I've seen lacerations, hematomas, compound fractures, and bad hair days.

I've seen empty libraries and Snakes on a Plane in a crowded movie theater.

I've seen anorexia in elementary schools.

I've seen picket fences and suicide bombers and homophobia.

I've seen Michael Jackson's first face.

I've seen steam rising from the spilled intestines of a disemboweled deer and the sun rising over the horizon in the distance.

I've seen decapitations, lethal injection, firing squads, and the electric chair.

I've seen tendons spring free from bone with all the energy of an atomic bomb.

I've seen the atomic bomb.

I've seen starvation and deforestation and global warming and subsidized farming and Cadillacs and the world's largest chocolate chip cookie.

I've seen slaughterhouses and factory farms and the electoral process.

I've seen Google Maps.

I've seen rotten teeth in my bathroom mirror.

I've seen rape and pornography and Coca-Cola 12-packs, 4 for $11.00.

I've seen liver spots and Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia and alcoholism and narcissism and fascism and impressionism and television at Thanksgiving dinner.

I've seen pity.

I've seen hate delivered with a shit-eating grin.

I've seen hopelessness.

I've seen trees of green and red roses too.

I've seen the way the world will end and it looks a lot like the way it began.